Pro Tools 2024.3
Pro Tools 2024.3 is now available and introduces many new music production features:
– MIDI effect plugin support enables you to quickly generate and manipulate MIDI
– Six free MIDI plugins including Avid Note Stack, Velocity Control, Pitch Control, Audiomodern Riffer 3, Modalics EON-Arp, and Pitch Innovations Groove Shaper
– Custom live re-renders from binaural up to 9.1.6. (Studio supports up to 7.1.4) using the new internal Pro Tools Dolby Atmos renderer
– Ability to detach Celemony Melodyne and Clip Effects tabs as separate windows
– Seamless copying and pasting of MIDI to/from Avid Sibelius (version 2024.3 and later)
– Pro Tools Sketch enhancements including bonus content and recording count-off (iPad only) as well as and improved interoperability with the Pro Tools timeline
– macOS 14.3 Sonoma support plus numerous bug fixes and performance improvements
Remember to keep your upgrade and support plan active to benefit from the new features, contact us about renewals.